Explore Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Lumnion

AI can help insurance companies analyze large amounts of data to identify patterns and make predictions about risks. This can help the companies to assess the likelihood of a claim being filed and to set premiums accordingly. In addition, AI can be used to help detect fraud by analyzing data for anomalies and red flags. This can help insurance companies to protect themselves from financial loss due to fraudulent activity.
Lumnion’s open platform allows the use of all widely accepted Machine Learning Algorithms for risk modelling.
Lumnion’s Data Preparation Module (Bee) will allow you to prepare the data for modeling or analyzing with in the few clicks.
No, all modules can be used separately all needed modules can be activated at different times.
Yes, Lumnion has its own actuarial data scientist team which provides consultancy and help you to build the whole process.
Yes, Lumnion can deploy whole platform including Pricing Engine on premise and any data will not leave your company.
With the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Lumnion provides a unique end to end platform that can connect to any core system, automating data preparation, with more precise risk pricing, impact analysis and dynamic pricing.
Bee, Automated Data Preparation and Earned Premium Calculation Tool can take data input from Excel, SAS, CSV, and from databases connected to core systems. Production and Claim data are combined easily.
With intuitive categorization and easy-to-use tools, effortlessly manage complex rating factors, manage all tariffs and perils together or separately, streamline pricing updates, and ensure consistency across your entire insurance portfolio.